ชามเคลือบสีน้ำตาล 16ซม ทำด้วยมือ
385 ฿
Interesting ceramics bowl with light brown, crazed glazing and brown hand-painted edge.
To be honest, we do not have much information about this, other than it was bought for it's antique appearance,from an old and now decomissioned Chinese owned rice mill.
It seems handmade and hand-painted with throughout crazing and some irregularities at the inside bottom.
It could be a newer, contemporary production or it could be antique and a real treasure.
The price is set low because we were unable to track it's origins, so if you believe this to be the real deal, this is your chance to "win the lottery", or at least enjoy your cereal in classic style.
Period: late1900s or earlier
Country: China or Thailand
Material: Ceramics
Measures: h5,5 x 16cm ø
stock#32001 x 8 w300